Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Winter's end

Even though the ground is still snow covered, the end of winter is in sight! Forecasted highs in the 50s and 60s (YAY!!!!) for the rest of this week promise to get rid of the remaining snow very quickly!

The horses bask in the sun at morning's first light.

Later, they are found napping while Chico stands sentinel.

Griffin and Kachina are so comfortable that they lay flat out while Chico guards them.

Later on, I saw Griffin get up and stand for a while and Chico laid down with the rest of the herd.

There is still a lot of snow in the pasture, but on some of the south facing slopes in our yard, there are bare patches of ground! Of course, they were found by the chickens today!

Most chickens I've ever seen really dislike snow. They won't walk in it if it is deeper than an inch or two. So, when the weather was nice this winter, I had to shovel a small patch outside their coop door so that they'd come out and get some fresh air. I didn't have to worry about shutting their fence door because there was no way they'd wander. Too much snow! But on this day, I did close the door, and even so, one determined hen found her way over the fence and ran across the old hard snow (hard because it had settled) to forage bird seed on the bare patches of ground around the bird feeder.

We are all excited for spring!


Linda said...

Well, one thing about snow, it melts fast! You'll be seeing your pasture in no time--in the meantime, enjoy the sunshine!

Andrea -Mustang Saga said...

I love your pictures. Happy herd. And a happy hen! I am so excited for springtime too.